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Tricologia is the term used for the treatment of hair and scalp on hair loss, hair loss, itching, and other. A trichologist is a consultant who helps people solve their problems related to hair and scalp. Just as you are likely to go to a dermatologist for a skin problem, a trichologist should be consulted on problems of hair.

Trichology offers not only hair loss, but also of healing and prevention methods other hair and scalp problems such as dryness, oiliness, itching and other series of problems that individuals can pass. Tricologia is the field of study that a specialist, known as trichologist. The person completed formal education in Trichology and certified Trichologist can practice and treat problems of the people.

There are many people who have problems with hair and scalp. Hair problems can be caused by an external factor or another imbalance in the body. Therefore, making the hair a barometer for the balance of the body. We may encounter problems because of problems with poor hair nutrition and genetics. In addition to this, there may also be other factors, such as stress or some kind of drug that can affect the health of the hair.

For all types of hair problems, Trichology is the area of jurisdiction with the answers and treatment. Thanks Trichology, you can find the cause of the problem, and therefore able to get a better deal and just.

During a consultation, a trichologist many questions about the medical history of a person, in order to have an overview of the status of the person and the possible reasons that may have caused the problem. Besides, a consultation with a Trichologist also involves the analysis of hair, wherein a hair sample is examined under a microscope to lever minerals and other factors.

Tricologia was developed for the first time in 1902 in London. It was developed to be the science of hair, which helps the treatment of diseases of the scalp. When you go to a trichologist, there are some tests and measurements are taken to determine the status and health of the hair, so that the right treatment can be given.

Trichoanalysis is done to check the conditions in which the hair follicles and are patient. This is done in many cases, so that the general health of the hair can be determined. Besides that, in the case of people with hair loss, Tichogram is performed, in which the trichologist measuring the ratio of hair growth with that of the hair loss.

Aside from that, Capilloscopy and densitometry are also performed, which are used to determine the condition of the hair follicles and the thickness of a human hair, respectively. After these tests are done, the hair specialists can determine if the patient is experiencing hair problems common and rare. Hair loss, dandruff and graying of hair fall problems unusual problems common, while the hair is different and a bit 'more complex.

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