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is laser hair removal permanent -what exactly is a laser?

In recent years, laser hair removal has become the largest non-surgical procedure worldwide. Laser hair removal offers "permanent hair reduction", according to the FDA. This does not necessarily mean that it will not remove all the hair, but the total amount of hair removed vary.

What exactly is a laser? A laser, which is an acronym for Light Amplification by stimulated emission of radiation is an optical device which produces a column of intense beams of monochromatic light. You probably have some in your home laser. There is a DVD, another inside your PC and the TV remote control uses a laser.

The laser used in your laser clinic are more powerful than lasers found in household. That these laser hair removal do is release pulses of light that are absorbed by the melanin in the hair. If the skin around the hair shaft is relatively light (color) to the color of the hair, then the energy will be concentrated on the hair shaft, which has the effect of destroying the hair root without affecting the skin.

Of course, we can assume that someone with light skin and dark hair ahead of the laser technique, and you're right, most of the time. Fortunately, because there is more than one type of laser designed for hair removal, there is a high probability that it will work, if another does not. You must be aware of the fact that the laser only work on hair that is growing, and because all the different phases of hair growth, you will probably need more than one treatment to ensure that all of the hair is destroyed. Typically, at least 6 to 8 individual treatments for a period of 8 to 12 weeks may be required.

Clinics reputable laser will tell you the truth: Not everyone is a candidate for this treatment because it is not effective on people with blonde hair red, white, gray or clear. Fortunately, skin color makes no difference. It 'true that the laser targets the pigment or melanin, but because there are several different lasers available for hair removal, almost everyone can benefit from laser hair removal - until your hair is darker than the skin, it is.

If you are considering laser hair removal, it is best to go to a specialist laser clinic laser trained technical experts.

Sue Woodall is the Patient Advisor at Dundrum Medical Cosmetic Clinic in Dundrum, Dublin, Ireland. If you are considering laser hair removal, download a free copy of a comprehensive report entitled "The Facts about laser hair removal and what you need to know to" [http://LaserHairRemoving.ie]

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