What do you think about this solutions for your problem ?

hair fall treatment

Male pattern baldness is considered a common condition. Unfortunately, the female pattern baldness is not perceived as such. But the fact remains that millions of women around the world suffer from hair loss. The scientific name for what is called alopecia. There are many variations of alopecia. For instances, alopecia Arcata and beard, and are two of the many others. They come from the same family. Consequently, their symptoms differ in terms of severity. Alopecia Arcata is hereditary. In one of five people with alopecia Arcata, someone else in the family too.

Balding female population is not well received by the masses. The social image of female pattern baldness is negatively affected and it creates the problem of low self-esteem and self-confidence. Beauty is skin deep and beauty is a woman. Balding leaves ugly stains exposed scalp that are unsightly and repeatedly invite prying eyes.

Thus, women should invest in treatments for hair loss in women to avoid placing themselves in difficult situations. Methods and techniques used in the treatment are very similar to those made for men. However, there are subtle differences. The biological nature of the hair of men and women are fundamentally different. Therefore, it constitutes a modification of the formula for the treatment of women.

1. Allopathic treatments

This difference is the use of estrogen supplements for women struggling with hair loss and promote hair regeneration. This alternative treatment of hair loss that works best for women who are over the age of menopause, as estrogen levels in their body is very weak. Oral or injections of estrogen may help strengthen the level and, in turn, stimulate re-growth of hair.

Another popular recommendation is the use of a call Monoxide (Regained) drug approved by the FDA. The reason why it is so popular is because it is clinically tested and is very effective. However, women are advised not to exceed the recommended dose because the side effect is hair growth. Sometimes unwanted hair appears in areas which may cause embarrassment. For example, over the lip area, under the arms and around the groin area, particularly along the groin, and upper and lower limbs.

2. Homeopathic Treatments

This method is of organic nature and is an effective alternative for the treatment of hair loss problem in women. The crux of the formula lies in the proper use of herbs that contain natural extracts in the treatment. The advantages for the use of these alternatives are less risk than synthetic drugs and virtually no side effects due to the slow progress in the course of treatment. There are homeopathic treatments in the form of pills or oral supplements extra.

Saw palmetto is another treatment option available popular herbal for women. It works on the principle of inhibition of the enzyme 5-alpha-reeducate, which reduces the dehydrates (DT) and increasing the production of testosterone naturally good. In addition to promoting hair growth, improves sexual health, normal menstruation, promotes normal breast development and increases breast-feeding.

Natural herbs such as sage and rosemary, when well-prepared can be applied evenly on the affected hair like shampoo. Are also recommended home remedies how to massage your scalp with specific oils. These provide the necessary nutrients to the roots and can help to stimulate the hair follicles to grow again.

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