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hair transplant cost

Medical tourism today includes hair transplant procedure, which means taking hair follicles from the back of the patient's head and transplanting these follicles where the thinning and balding areas. Fresh hair transplant in the United States, may be expensive, so some Americans have decided to have this surgery outside the country.

Countries that provide restoration procedures cheapest hair Mexico, Singapore, Malaysia, South Africa, Argentina, the Philippines and India. The cost of hair transplant in countries like Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines may cost only about 25% of the cost if done in the United States. This applies not only to hair restoration, but most medical / cosmetic procedures as well.

The cost of hair transplant done in the United States may vary from 5,000 to $ 20,000, depending on the amount of hair to be transplanted into the hairline graphically or decline. The same operation performed in another country, offering medical tourism can be as low as $ 2000 - 5000 dollars. This also means that you have booked the best hospitals, the best to get the services of plastic surgeons in the region and to receive treatment at the hospital, what appears to be a five star hotel. The only drawback of using medical procedures abroad is that you can not sue your doctor if something goes wrong, and neither is your treatment is covered by U.S. health insurance.

Some people prefer to get medical cosmetic procedures such as hair transplants in other countries, because foreign doctors can not be all bad. Most people think that the cost of hair transplant in the United States is simply too strong for the survivor who balder for 35 years and desperately needs to compete in professions such as trade, sale, mode, or journalism.

Anyway, if the person can not afford it, it is Mexico, Singapore and the Philippines, to consider if you have a budget of five thousand dollars or less set aside for your hair transplant. Most plastic surgeons in these countries provided the most delicate operations such as heart surgery, liver transplants and alternative cancer treatments. You can also enjoy a personalized service and tourism after surgery, accompanied by a doctor or an experienced professional median.

Thinking about getting a hair transplant abroad? You will probably be given to the best antibiotics to protect you against any kind of infection after the operation, and when you get home, you find your own natural hair growth at a price that does not land you in the poor house!

Click here to read more about the tools hair loss prevention, as well as determining the cost of hair transplant procedures for different hair restoration.

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