What do you think about this solutions for your problem ?

hair growth pills

These days, if you are looking for pills for hair growth, and you look online, you will probably find dozens of options. The fact is, though, that most of the pills that promise to stop or reverse hair loss will not. Most of them are just fake products, which prey on people who are desperate to regrown hair.

So, what should I know?

Pills "vitamin" of hair growth does not work

Many promising products that you can take an all-natural hair growth pill of vitamins and organic experience does not work.

The truth is that vitamins can help make your hair look better - can be brilliant or more smooth, but there is no scientific evidence that vitamin based hair growth drugs or pills can help your hair grow.

It 'also interesting to note that in many countries, herbal remedies such as pills hair growth vitamins based are not subject to the same rules appropriate medication, so you can see that there are other things in their formulation, which can not be good for you !

So What hair growth pills work?

There are actually quite a few formulas that have been proven to work. In fact, according to the American Hair Loss Association, only two brands: Prophecies (also known as Postcard and Monasteries) and Monoxide (also known as Limonite) received FDA approval for the treatment of male pattern baldness.

This means they are the only drugs that have passed rigorous testing by the FDA, and has been found to be safe and effective.

It's not just men who are suffering from hair loss though. The salaries of women are still less common, treatment with topical monoxide is the only treatment approved by the FDA, and some other inhibitors of the androgen receptor is indicated by the association.

How to get hair growth pills that work

The truth is, because there are so few treatments tested and approved on the market for hair loss, the only sure way to get the hair loss pills that work is to talk with your doctor. He or she will be able to diagnose the cause of hair loss, and if you are a candidate for one of the approved treatments.

Then you get a prescription for one of the treatments that work, but remember that even treatments that work does not work for everyone!

Save your money - do not buy any hair growth pills

As you can see, while it is tempting to believe all the questions and stories out there, and easy to be sucked in by a sheet full of testimonials from all sorts of people site, most of these sites are that in the past were known as "snake oil salesmen.

They sell products that have no scientific basis, and probably not as they are promised to work. Some may have some effect, but because they are not approved by the FDA, there is no way to tell the hair growth pills that work from those that do not.

It 's easier to attach to the hair growth pills that offer proven results, to consider those that promise, but the answer is yes, the hair growth pills do not work - if you buy right!

Complete hair loss is embarrassing, and it can destroy your confidence overnight. It may take a month in extreme cases. Now is the time to know about the best hair loss treatment that stops hair loss in its tracks.

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